
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Conceptual Questions for False Memory

1. Why are memories of my elementary school days important for me?

This fits in with my memory because it is a mostly positive, nostalgic recollection of an otherwise negative experience from when I was in 2nd grade. I could elaborate and try to explore why exactly what it is that pulls me back to Duveneck, why these recess periods bring a smile to my face.

2. How does my personal experience with my Duveneck friends now have a bias on how I write about them?

I have limited memories of how my friends were back in elementary school, so I tended to write about them using more current memories of them. This addresses the issue of what experiences or at what age in our life do we make judgments on our friends. I could go off on tangents about my friends individually and how they've changed or stayed the same.

3. Why is the fear of "getting sent to the principal" have such significance through the eyes of a 2nd grader?

Over the years my fear of getting in trouble have diminished greatly. Sure, I definitely don't want to get in trouble at all, but no longer does the stereotypical fear of hearing my name across the intercom paralyze me. There is room at the end of my memory for more detail on this concept.

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