
Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cat's Cradle Homework Assignment Satire

Ah, the irony of teachers. They pore over books their whole academic life in order to receive a little slip of paper from a prestigious university. But what does this actually mean? That they somehow are enlightened and may spread their lies and infect other vulnerable people? When all that they learn is lies, who gives them the authority to spread this so called "knowledge?"

It is downright shameful to lecture about this blasphemy behind a pretense of wisdom and experience. Teachers should be punished for believing that all of their foma is useful and pertinent in the modern world.

But, we shouldn't harp on the teachers that much. Some of their lies will actually be truth and us students will remember those tidbits of advice and they will aid us in our careers. Hey, maybe teachers actually do some good for us. Each of us inevitably has a teacher or two that changed them for the better and that remains etched in their mind for the remainder of their life.

But, then again, most teachers just teach us lies that, thankfully, go in one ear and out the other and we students don't have to be burdened by this misleading guidance.

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