
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Game 1 Thoughts

Uuuuuuribe! God I love that thing he does with his arms after he goes deep. 

Things that came to mind while watching Game 1 of the World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Texas Rangers. 

Fox announcers blow

I think everyone agrees with me on this one. The TV announcers for Fox, the channel that broadcasted the NLCS and broadcasts the World Series, are the worst. Just a bunch of really boring observations with absolutely no analysis. It's tough having to switch from Kruk and Kuip, arguably the best TV guys in all of baseball, to these scrubs.

Another thing. I'm sick of hearing the Fox announcers repeat the same stuff about the Giants over and over again. I understand that 95% of the nation doesn't know much about the Giants but as a Giants fan, it's just annoying to hear Joe Buck repeat himself. If I hear anything more from the Fox announcers about Aubrey Huff's positive influence on the Giants clubhouse, how Pat the Bat was out of a job after the Rays released him or B Dubs's beard, I may have to shoot myself.

Also, if you're hispanic, Tim McCarver is guaranteed to butcher your name. You don't pronounce it Freddy San-Chehz, with the accent on the second syllable. Either he thinks he's all cultured and believes he's pronouncing the name correctly or else he just speaks the English language weird because most people would pronounce it correctly.

Cliff Lee is hittable

Man, shoot. I don't wanna hear no of this booha about Lee being the best playoff pitcher of all time, how's he's got a 7-0 record in the playoffs, how he never walks anyone blah, blah, blah. Sure, he's been legit, but that doesn't mean anything to the Giants. San Francisco is smackin' his ass around. He just got taken out after only 4 2/3 innings and allowed 7 runs (6 earned). Yeah, that's right, you jog off that mound, I like the hustle bud.

If I hear anything more from the Fox announcers about Aubrey Huff's positive influence on the Giants clubhouse, how Pat the Bat was out of a job after the Rays released him or B Dubs's beard, I may have to shoot myself. 

Freddy Sanchez is wet

Shout out to my friend Jackson on this one. Yacks reps Freddy as his favorite player. He's 3 for 3 with 3 doubles, 2 RBI and a run right now.

And Peter Tight thinks I'm Freddy Sanchez, even though he's hispanic and i'm Asian. But whatevs.

Sorry, as of now, he has 3 doubles, a single and 3 RBI.

And, in case you're curious, here's a totally unnecessary stat that is not all that important... Freddy Sanchez is the first player ever to hit 3 doubles in his first 3 World Series at-bats.

And Uribe, too

This one's for Kev Dogg Marren. Kevin hates on Uribe's fielding, saying that he sucks in the field and his hitting doesn't make up for it. I know he likes Uribe deep down, but c'mon, how can you hate on someone who swags as much he does, and who has a sweet Uuuuuuuribe nickname. He just went deep off of Texas's relief pitcher for a 3-run jack to give Big Time Timmy Jim more than enough run support. And he made a really nice play in the field.

Sorry that part of the video is cut off. 

Fans, calm down a little

Yes, I know you're pumped up that the Giants may win their first World Series since 1954 but calm down. You guys jump out of your seats every time a Giants player hits a fly ball, mistakenly thinking it's a home run. Or you jump the gun and cheer when you think a Rangers hitter struck out, only to realize he hit a dribbler foul.

No more Directv commercials please

It's the Directv commercial where a scene with Russel Crowe from The Gladiator plays in the background when an assassin dude blow darts a guy and then takes his movies. I've seen that commercial at least 20 times. It's annoying by now. And kinda scary. The first time I saw it the guy with the blow dart was silhouetted in the doorway and was very intimidating. When he missed the guy I thought, oh, he'll be the bumbling hero who somehow avoid death. But no, he gets a blow dart in the neck the second time around and then gets his movie tapes jacked. Scary and surprising. (Pete Foster plagiarized)

Another thing about commercials. Budweiser's "Grab Some Buds" commercial could be my favorite commercial ever. It just makes me love baseball even more, makes me love the camaraderie of watching baseball with your friends and there are a few segments that keep men particularly interested (Peter Tight plagiarized). There are two of these "Grab Some Buds" commercials; the one I posted is actually the non-baseball one, but it's still really good. I couldn't find the one that focuses mostly on baseball.

Vlady won't have to play RF when the Rangers play at home, but his shoddy defensive play could hamper Texas in the games at AT&T. 

Vlady is struggling

Vladimir Guerrero has made two errors in the bottom of the 8th. They won't matter since the Giants were up by so much anyway, but I can see why he only played about 17 games in the field during the regular season. Vlady won't have to play RF when the Rangers play at home, but his shoddy defensive play could hamper Texas in the games at AT&T.

Even the scrubs are gettin' their reps!

You know the Giants are ahead when both Travis Ishikawa and Nate Schierholtz get in the ballgame. Ishikawa usually is a pinch hitter in big situations and Nate is a defensive replacement for Pat Burrell in left field. And you know the Giants are playing out of their mind when they both get hits. Ishikawa hit an RBI double in the 8th inning and Nate followed it up later with an RBI single. Title idea taken from Kev Dogg.

Brian Wilson conspiracy theory

Is it really necessary for all of these pitching changes made by Bochy? The Giants are winning by a mile, and Bochy decides he needs to take out Sergio after 2/3 of an inning and Ramon Ramirez and Jeremy Affeldt got taken out in the 9th after shaky starts. Even though it's the postseason and managers don't want to take any chances, it's still a stretch to call in Wilson when the Giants were up 11-4. My conspiracy theory is that B Willy just pumps up the fans too much for Bochy not to put him in.

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