
Friday, October 16, 2009

Essay Reflection

1. What is your essay about? (concept not plot) Be as specific as you can while remaining conceptual.

My essay is about simple, yet important moments in my life that define me and define what I enjoy in life. There were a range of memories and concrete examples that all created the same grounding effect and gave me some inner peace.

2. What was the most challenging aspect of writing and rewriting this essay?

Since I am kind of a perfectionist, it was difficult for me to write such a long rough draft and not worry about making it perfect. Normally I fret too much and it takes me a long time to get my thoughts down because I worry that they have to sound just right.
The hardest part rewriting the essay was being willing to look at my stronger paragraphs in a new light. It was easy to just cut out chunks that even when I wrote them, I knew probably wouldn't make the final draft. But, it was hard to make major edits on the better writing.

It was also hard to develop some of my ideas. I knew what I wanted to say in my head about the concrete idea of pick-up basketball, but it was hard to put it into writing. I spent a lot of time and ended up satisfied with my writing about basketball.

3. If you could go back and make changes or additions, what would you do? Why?

I might just take out the first memory entirely. I only used it because we had to include our initial memory in our essay and it isn't that important to me when I think about it now. I do like the concept about the power of our childhood though that follows up on that memory.

4. What was most unexpected - or unexpectedly fun - about writing this essay?

I was surprised at the end length of essay. I thought it would be hard to make it 4 pages, but at one point it was over 5 before I cut it down a lot. Just editing and expanding on my ideas lengthened my essay without me consciously trying to get more words.

I was also more motivated than I thought with this essay. Because the memories and concrete ideas were important to me, I wanted to take the time and make it good. This is in contrast to another book we may read in English that I might not like; then it will be harder to work as hard on that essay.

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