
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Concision Practice in Our Essays

This assignment made us choose 3 sentences of more than 9 words from our essay and then write that sentence in 9 words, 7 words, 5 words, 3 and 1 while still keeping the main meaning. This helped us with being more concise in our writing while allowing us to write these cool, almost poetic sentences.

Original sentence: I was in second grade at Duveneck Elementary School and our lunchtime activities consisted of basketball, football, hide and go seek tag, four square and handball.

During lunchtime in elementary school I played many games. 9
Duveneck during lunch was basketball and football. 7
Games during lunch at Duveneck. 5
Games at lunch. 3
Play. 1

Original: The steady beat of basketballs reverberates throughout the gym as everybody warms up.

The beat of basketballs in the gym reverberates loudly. 9
The beat of basketballs reverberates during warm-ups. 7
The beat of basketballs reverberates. 5
The basketballs' pulse. 3
Rhythm. 1

OS: It was a great couple of hours with my cousins, aunt and their dog and when she gave me a ride back to the hotel I received two full bags of homemade chocolate chip cookies.

I loved the time with cousins and the cookies. 9
The night with my family was awesome. 7
A night with my cousins. 5
Quality family time. 3
Family. 1

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