
Monday, February 22, 2010

Tiger's Apology

Tiger Woods apologizes

Tiger Woods made a public statement of apology following news of his infidelity last Friday. It was his first public statement in months since news first broke that he crashed his car late at night during Thanksgiving break.

I initially thought that Tiger's apology was too scripted. It seemed as if he was emphasizing each word and was worried he would offend any grandparents that were watching that might not understand him if he talked too fast. But then I realized that his whole life is scripted and there was no way he would go up there and wing it. Still, it would have been nice to see a more authentic apology from a man who betrayed our view of him as a disciplined, family man. How can I know that what he is saying is truthful if it comes from such a rehearsed speech. Tiger Woods lied to us before by selling an image of a wholesome and well-behaved guy and I need to be guaranteed some version of his real self.

The main question people had going into Woods's speech was when he would return to golf. Tiger left it up in the air of his return date. All he said was that he didn't rule out returning this year. What does that mean? Does he expect to return this year? Will he likely come back in 2011, but might be able to return this year? Everyone knows golf is more interesting when Tiger is in a tournament and people are anxious to see him back. The PGA tour needs him to generate revenue for their tournaments and he already missed a large chunk of time due to his knee problems.

I liked how Tiger specifically said how he felt entitled to sleep with all those women and how since he was a superstar he felt above the normal rules imposed on people. He came right out and said how he was wrong to think that.

Tiger's wife, Elin, was noticeably absent from his press conference. The tv announcers made a big deal out of her absence and instead the camera was occasionally on his mom. Tiger repeated how Elin never abused him (people thought she attacked him with a golf club, causing him to crash the car) and how there had never been any domestic violence in their household.

One little thing I learned about Tiger. He was an active Buddhist until a few years ago, and will continue with his Buddhist spirituality to help get him through all this. Maybe he's not a true Buddhist, but it's cool to see a huger sports star acknowledging a religion that's not mainstream in the United States.

I'm ready to see Tiger back on the course. Many people, especially women, will never like him again, but they can't deny his appeal when he plays. Tour pros are disappointed that he ruined the image of golf as a gentlemanly sport and some were angry that he made the statement the day of a big tournament. I think American sports fans are a very forgiving group and will accept Tiger back (see Manny Ramirez, Alex Rodriguez, Michael Vick, Ron Artest etc.). The casual golf fan like myself needs to see Tiger in the hunt on a Sunday afternoon to get excited about golf again. Please come back soon Tiger Woods.

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